I found Laramie Briscoe books one day while browsing Amazon for like ever looking for a
great MC book to read. I had been hooked on MC books for awhile and I know the good from the bad. I hadn't really ever heard of Laramie before ,so I seen the BEAUTIFUL cover for Meant To Be and couldn't resist it. I started reading Meant to Be and just could not put it down, I think I stayed up until like 2am reading it until I was done. It was AMAZING. Ever since than I have been hooked on Laramie Briscoe books. I have read every single one of her books more than once! Yes I am bat shit crazy I have read all of them pry about 6 times they are just addicting and whenever I am in a book slump I head for hers and it picks me up and I am ready to go!
Laramie gave me Jagger his story is Book #3 Losing Control and man he is one sexy beast! Damn what I would do to get on the back of Jaggers bike. Bianca his girl is the perfect fit for him.They go together like peanut butter and jelly. His love for her is so beautiful.Laramie sucked me in when she gave me Jagger, and when a new book comes out in the Heaven Hill series I always hope for a glimpse of him!
Laramie also gave us the oh so sexy REAPER in the Rockin Country series.Damn you Laramie you needa stop writing such hot men because I feel like I am cheating on Jagger with Reaper every time I read Rockin Country LOL.
Reaper is a SEXY rocker, and he is madly in love with Hannah AKA Harmony there love is like no other. Laramie you must have one hell of a love life to write such beautiful stories. She never fails to suck me in to each and everyone of her books!
If you have not yet read a Laramie Briscoe book please enter the giveaway on FB and you can also grab them on
I am super STOKED to have Laramie author of the Heaven Hill series and Rockin Country series here with me today to do an EXCLUSIVE interview withMorning Books & Coffee!
Good Morning Laramie how are you doing today?
I’m doing great! This is Sunday when I’m answering this. I’m writing on Heaven Hill #6 and fixing to get ready to go have lunch with my friend, April.
Can you tell us how you got into writing and what inspired you?
I’ve been writing since I was 16 or 17, but my dad passed away when I was 18 and I needed a way to let out those feelings. Since then, I’ve written almost constantly. It’s my way to relieve stress, it’s my way to make myself happy, and it’s a way to get the millions of ideas that I have out of my head.
I’m an only child and I’ve always had a very active imagination.
What does you writing processes look like?
It starts with an idea, sometimes it can be a sentence or just a song I heard on the radio. I’ll start writing it, send it to my beta reader, and when it’s done I’ll read it over and then send it on over to my editor. Around the time it goes to the editor, I’ll contact my cover artist and we’ll start talking about ideas for cover/custom photo shoots, things like that. Usually from the time I finish writing to release is about 2 months.
Do you have any CRAZY writing habits?
Yeah, if I’m in the middle of a book and I’m writing every day, I’ll get to where I can’t sleep it I don’t write. My brain won’t shut up. I’ve been known to write 10 – 15 thousand words in a day sometimes. I also write out of order – a lot of times I’ll have the ending or a pivotal scene done before I even get to where it should be.
With MC books becoming so popular what made you want to write Heaven Hill?
When I originally wrote “Meant To Be” there weren’t a whole lot of MC books. They started getting very popular around the time I put out “Losing Control” – at least that’s when I noticed it. I was a huge fan of Sons of Anarchy and MC’s have always fascinated me. At the time I wrote “Meant To Be” a lot of what Denise went through was what I was personally going through. I was stressed, couldn’t sleep, and looking for a way out – her and Liam’s story became my way out. Then I couldn’t stop – Tyler was screaming to be written and with Tyler, it blew up and now I’m on book #6..lol!
Tyler seems to be a fan favorite can we expect babies for him and Meredith anytime soon?
Tyler IS a fan favorite! I think everyone loves Tyler. Him and Meredith have a lot of love to give a child and they desperately want to. I can say that they have another book coming out in early 2015 and I’ll be writing it after I finish #6. The continuation of their story will be the glue that combines the present with the future of the club – so we’ll see!
Jagger is my favorite of all the Heaven Hill men can you tell me if we can be seeing more of him and B's relationship in the future?
I always hope to include at least a catch up on all the other couples in the books, sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t. B is featured in book #6 because of a situation that comes up. I’m hoping to get all the couples in Tyler and Meredith’s next book.
If there was a movie about Heaven Hill who do you think would be the best cast?
I don’t think just actors could be my people, so this will include singers and other public figures!
Liam – M. Shadows of Avenged Sevenfold
Denise – Sophia Bush
Tyler – Jason Momoa
Meredith – Hillary Scott of Lady Antebellum
Jagger – Brantley Gilbert
Bianca – Hillary Duff
Roni – Mila Kunis
Rooster – Prince Harry
William – George Clooney (older)
Drew – Charlie Hunnam (he’s going to grow up!)
Mandy – Leighton Meester
Heaven Hill is going to be on its 6th book can you tell us if we can expect Heaven Hill to continue for a long while or are there any spin offs you are considering?
I have plans for 8 full-length books, but I never say never, so that’s not say there may not be a catch up book every once in a while on the couples & I haven’t fully decided if Tatum is going to get her own book or not.
Rocking Country series is a little sweeter than Heaven Hill, Reaper and Harmony have a very unique relationship due to the fact that they are celebrities can you tell me a little on how these too love brids came about?
I love music and I’m one of those annoying people that reads US Weekly and Oh No They Didn’t. There’s something about the celebrity life-style that I buy into. It’s a nice escape and it makes for awesome ideas! One night, when my husband worked overnight (he doesn’t anymore) I was bored because I couldn’t sleep very well without him at home and I had my Spotify on shuffle. Taylor Swift’s “Sparks Fly” came on, followed by Avenged Sevenfold’s “Dear God” and I can’t tell you how or why, but Reaper and Harmony appeared in my head as did their whole storyline. I started writing and a few weeks later, I had the whole first story done.
Whats the theme song for Rocking Country?
I would say “Sparks Fly” and I’m not even a Taylor Swift fan, for the most part, but every time I hear that song, it takes me back and I can see that storyline in my head just as fresh as if a movie were playing.
With book 2 of the Rocking Country series just around the corner what can we expect for Reaper and Harmony?
Lots of pressure from the people around them, arguments and making up, and just learning how to be a married couple. They’re newlyweds, they’re still learning how to be married and it’s fun writing that.
Can you tell us what to expect from you after Rocking Country book 2 comes out?
Let’s see….Heaven Hill #6 will be out this year and that’s the last of my releases for 2014. Next year, readers can expect Tyler & Meredith’s second story, the continuation of Rockin’ Country, and a new series I’ve been working on called “The Red Bird Trail” – Underground Street Racing takes over Bowling Green, KY. It’s Cash’s series, who everybody met in Heaven Hill. I’m REALLY excited about that one!
Last but not least Laramie what is your favorite dessert?
Chocolate Cake and Ice Cream
Thanks so much Laramie you have no idea how much it means to me and to so many other Heaven Hill and Rockin Country fans. Can not wait to see what you have in store for us next!
Laramie Briscoe
Author of the Best-Selling Heaven Hill Series
The Heaven Hill Series - Available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo!
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