I know I have been MIA lately, but in all honesty I needed a break from blogging and reading. I had been so bombarded with books that I said I would review that I took on too much and just wasn't feeling anything anymore. Especially after I did my Anniversary event people moaned and complained and it was seriously hurtful especially all the work I do towards Morning Books and Coffee.
So, I took a step back and decided I still am going to review books, just maybe not as often as I have in the past. I also am only going to be reviewing what I totally am feeling at the moment. I will continue to review on GR, iBooks and Amazon.
I am happy to be back
I still appreciate you all baring with my little vacation and I hope you still visit every now and than.

When I realized that Molly was coming out with a book about Chase and Harpers son I nearly melted into a million little pieces of joy. Than when I read the blurb I freaking near fainted when I found out the kids from Forgiving Lies were going to be part of it. I was in all honesty expecting another curve ball and Molly was going to cut my heart in half and never sew it together.
I was so happy that I was wrong!! Trusting Liam gave me hope in all the right places.
Liam he is Chase (his dad) twin. They are so similar tattoos and all its scary. I just knew I was going to love him just as much as I loved Chase.
He is so sweet and gentle, yet stubborn just like his father. Than he has a heart to heart with Brandon I cried like a damn baby. There are so many references to Taking Chances its so awesome how Molly incorporated the two. What hit me in the gut is when he tells Kennedy the story of his mom and dads story it was perfection and made the book.
As for Kennedy's part it is freakin awesome she is one badass chick. Her story is intertwined with her mom and dads as well. They are pretty much running from something that held there mom and dad aback years ago. I loved how Molly incorporated sour patch kids it was awesome. Kennedy is a twin and Molly did a great job with Kira in this book she was a supportive sister but had her own feistiness.
The bombshell Kennedy has been hiding totally threw me for a loop and I seriously didn't see it coming from a mile away!! Loved it Loved it so freaking much!
This story i can read over and over just the the ones before it. Molly did a fabulous job with the characters. The ending made it just perfection!
You can get Trusting Liam NOW!!
You can also find all of Molly books on her site!!
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