Vandal Synopsis:
She takes my breath away; she is so beautifully damaged. Yes I had broken her, ravished her life, destroyed her happiness. I brought her to ultimate despair. I was responsible for all the pain and suffering that now brought her to her knees in front of me. Broken. Hopeless. Reckless in her agony. She is a mirror of my own tortured soul. But what I took away I can give back. In ways she cannot even begin to imagine. She is everything right in all my wrongs. She loves me. She needs me. She has no idea I’m the one who wrecked her life.
Exclusive Excerpt:
I slowly walk down the dark hallway and stop at Katie’s doorway. Her pink nightlight is on, illuminating the room. I don’t want to go in, but I can’t stop myself. The mix of her presence and her void is completely overwhelming, and I fall to my knees in the middle of the room. The pain in my chest is like nothing I have ever felt before, as if my heart is being ripped from my body and sliced into tiny pieces. I want her back so bad. I want to just feel her tiny hand in mine and tuck her into bed.
Lifting my head, my eyes fall on Teddy, Katie’s coveted bear that she left here to ‘take care of me’. I crawl to the small bed and lie my head next to the little bear that, just a few days ago, we tucked into her blankets together until she’d be back. Pressing my face against the little bear, I can’t hold back my tears anymore.

God Bless Carian for coming up with such an intense man. He must have drove her nuts while he was in her head.
Vandal was just UTTERLY AMAZING
After reading Storm I could not wait to get my hands on this book... It was so worth the wait...
I am going to put it out there and let you know this is a ugly cry book!! I cried so much and the damn book hadn't even really started... Like my damn mascara was running and I kept asking myself WHY OH WHY did this have to happen to an already dark man!!!
Vandal is such a tormented soul and his background goes deep so deep I couldn't even imagine half the crap he went thru. He finally was given a little light when he meet his Grams and than even more when he was blessed with a beloved daughter!
Than the poor dude is thrown into a tail spin when his world is shattered into a million pieces and he doSent know how to put it back. Its like trying to fix a broken mirror your gonna get cut no matter what.
At this point in the book I didn't know how to feel at first I wanted to ball up and make his pain disappear. Than on the other hand I wanted to slap some sense into him. I really could not even imagine if something like that ever happened to me. It so un believable. Than the way Carian really embraced the emotion with the devastation was just brilliant!!
Than comes into play Tabitha she is or I should say was this bubbly little thing. Until her world was shattered by a man she will soon come to LOVE. She is devastated by the loss of her husband the only man she has ever loved so deeply. I kept picturing Resse Witherspoon when I thought of Tab she is just so damn cute!
Eventually the 2 intertwine and the relationship is HOT and I mean like Handcuffs and Naughty stuff kinda HOT! There chemistry is insane.. Vandal thinks he can get Tabitha out of he down hill battle and she can take him out of his. That isn't always the case and the ride is bumpy and Tab learns just how rough around the edges Vandal is!!
This is a MUST READ!!! Wish I could give more than 5 stars..
OMG I almost forgot Evelyen from Storm is in this one and gives Vandal the most precious cat EVER!!
Carian Cole Bio:
I have a passion for the bad boys, those covered in tattoos, sexy smirks, ripped jeans, fast cars, motorcycles and of course, the sweet girls that try to tame them and win their hearts. My debut series, Ashes & Embers, follows the lives of rock band members as they find, and sometimes lose, the loves of their lives.
My first novel in the Ashes & Embers series, Storm, published on September of 2014. Vandal, the second novel in this series is publishing in February of 2015. I currently have approximately nine books slated for this series, as well as an MC series in the works, and a few stand-alones coming in 2015 onward.
Born and raised a Jersey girl, I now reside in beautiful New Hampshire with my husband and our multitude of furry pets and spend most of my time writing, reading, and vacuuming.
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