He doesn’t do relationships. Neither does she. But they can’t fight the attraction any longer…
Nash Walker hides the demons that consume his soul. He buries them deep and distracts himself with sex. Anything to avoid facing a past full of heartbreak and regret; anything to numb the pain that he struggles with daily.
Velvet Carr has spent years fighting her demons. It’s a fight she’s winning. That is, until Nash crashes his way into her life and into her heart.
It started out as a bit of harmless fun between friends; it wasn’t meant to get complicated for either of them. But when two broken souls come together and arouse unwanted feelings in each other, complicated is what happens.
Can Nash and Velvet help heal each other and revive the love in their lives that they’ve both been refusing to allow in for years? Or will they let their demons ruin any chance they may have at happiness?
Nash Walker hides the demons that consume his soul. He buries them deep and distracts himself with sex. Anything to avoid facing a past full of heartbreak and regret; anything to numb the pain that he struggles with daily.
Velvet Carr has spent years fighting her demons. It’s a fight she’s winning. That is, until Nash crashes his way into her life and into her heart.
It started out as a bit of harmless fun between friends; it wasn’t meant to get complicated for either of them. But when two broken souls come together and arouse unwanted feelings in each other, complicated is what happens.
Can Nash and Velvet help heal each other and revive the love in their lives that they’ve both been refusing to allow in for years? Or will they let their demons ruin any chance they may have at happiness?

Hot Diggity Dog! Yes I am quoting from Mickey Mouse Club House but,
this in no way is a G rated review!
Revive was like XXX all the way the freakins sex god vibe NASH was giving in this book was making me moan out loud I had to read while my kiddo was taking a nap and I think my husband thought I was wigging out a little bit! He should expect that from me tho when reading Nina she just knows how to write a dirty mouth and make me go nuts!
Revive is now my favorite of the Storm series I have always been in love with book 1 but
Nash hands down stole my heart and carried it away with him. Jason is no competition for Nash,Nash my gosh Nash oh Nash what am I going to for with you!
The Storm serious revolves around a MC club and consists of stories of the brothers finding there old ladies and a whole lot of shit goes down I mean betrayal of the worst kind!
Its some good stuff every damn time I am barley hanging on by a string with all the drama!
Revive was different we had Velvet who works at Indigo and she likes Nash but never goes there to the other side. I mean like she flirts and smiles and does her girly thing but never makes a move. As you get into the story you understand her trust issues and than you learn of Nash's back story and I think that is when I fell in Love with Nash his back story was remarkably written. He is one of those guys
Nash and Velvet together are like a burning fire burning so hot and bright! Nash is rough,sexy,talks so freakin dirty I love it. Velvet is one dirty girl in all the right way she
was the perfect match for Nash.The two together could wreck havoc!
Nina you have proved me wrong I thought Revive wouldn't be my favorite but
darling you wrote the perfect mix of Drama,Sex,and romance!
Can not wait for more Storm MC.
Author Q&A
Author Q&A
Hey Nina How are you doing today?
Hi Ash! I'm doing great, thanks. A little tired after release week but what a week it's been!!
What or who inspired you to write?
I have always written from the age of about twelve. Publishing a book was always my dream but for most of my life, it was something I thought was unachievable. Self publishing has helped me realise this dream. The inspiration to write? I love the stories of people's lives; those little moments that make up a life. I love playing with characters and seeing them become the person they were always meant to be, and watching the dance between two people as they help each other become that better person.
Do you read other MC books by other authors?
I don't tend to at the moment, not while I am writing MC books. There are some that I do read because I am friends with the authors but as a general rule, no.
Have you ever know a real MC?
Yes, I have met bikers before :)
Most of your books have wicked good sex
do you think MC males are dominant in the bedroom?
I like to think they are ;)
What books do you have planned next?
Next up for the Storm series is Slay, Blade's book. However, right now I am writing a biker novella for an anthology that will be out in a couple of months. This features a new biker that we haven't met yet, and I have tentative plans to develop his story into a couple of books. I am also writing an alpha male that is not a biker for another novella that will feature in an alpha anthology later this year. I'm really looking forward to that one! And, I am also writing Roxie's story that I release chapter by chapter through my newsletter. Once I finish that book, I will publish it.

When he lifted his head, he had a lazy smile for me. “Ready for round two?”
I grinned at him. “You need to take care of my other needs first.”
He cocked his head to the side. “And what would they be?”
“Well mainly I need a drink, but a woman also likes a bit of sweet talk in between rounds. Do bikers do that shit?”
He chuckled. “I’m all about the sweet talk, darlin’. You should know that about me by now.”
“Okay then, take me inside, give me a drink and some sexy talk and then I’m all yours again.”
He smacked my ass. “Off; I’ve got shit to do so I can get my cock back in you.”
I obeyed his command and pulled my dress down after I got off his bike. He eyed me and murmured, “That dress is going the wrong way, baby. It needs to go up, not down.”
“And the sexy talk begins,” I joked.
I grinned at him. “You need to take care of my other needs first.”
He cocked his head to the side. “And what would they be?”
“Well mainly I need a drink, but a woman also likes a bit of sweet talk in between rounds. Do bikers do that shit?”
He chuckled. “I’m all about the sweet talk, darlin’. You should know that about me by now.”
“Okay then, take me inside, give me a drink and some sexy talk and then I’m all yours again.”
He smacked my ass. “Off; I’ve got shit to do so I can get my cock back in you.”
I obeyed his command and pulled my dress down after I got off his bike. He eyed me and murmured, “That dress is going the wrong way, baby. It needs to go up, not down.”
“And the sexy talk begins,” I joked.
He switched off his bike and got off before pulling me close. “That’s not sexy talk darlin’. Your legs won’t be able to hold you up when I begin the sexy talk,” he promised.
Nina Levine
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