
One Day at a Time is a Novella of the Rockin country series comes out June 13th.
If you haven't read Only The Beginning(Rockin Country #1) than you need to read it first.
It is an awesome read that you dont want to miss out on!
One Day at a time starts out where Rockin Country left off.We cross paths with all the wonderful characters, of course Garrett ( Reaper) and Hannah who are just the darnest couple.
When Larmaie came out with The Rockin series I was a little skeptical to read it going from the Heaven Hill series to such a different story line but damn that girl proved me wrong when she introduced me to Garrett.
He can be a total ass hat but once you get to know him he is a total sweetheart.
In One Day at a Time you will fall more in love with him . He just knows all the right thing to say
Damn you Laramie you seriously made me think i was having an affair with a
gorgeous fictional character! I was laughing a bit in this book and my son and hubby thought I was losing it. Garrett if so my new Book Boyfriend!
Than There is Hannah is your usual southern belle who is so darn sweet you cant help but love her. She has had a sorta rough background and in this book there is a trip to the hospital which as you on your toes hoping and praying she is all right. There is no denying anyone can ever dislike her she is AWESOME and man oh man does that girl love Garrett!

One day at a Time shows the obstacles that test there love for one another especially with the damn Paparazzi seriously they are the worst! Stupid gossip magazines!
Once they over go a few bumps in the road it is just simply amazing. Garrett loves Hannah more than anything in the world it is perfect I seriously LOVE there story because it shows no matter what can be thrown at them they can get thru it! Perfect ending too it really made my day with a good ending!
Laramie did a wonderful job with this novella the epilogue done did me in and I cant wait until
Rockin Country #2 so I can continue on there journey!

Don't Forget Laramie also has the Heaven Hill Series!!
♥☻☺ :) Great